Sunday, December 18, 2011

Different Applications of Biomedical Engineering

        What one must understand about BME, is that the skills and applications learned and aquired through this area can be used in different applications. These applications include but are not limited to; Biomechanics, Biomaterials , Biomedical Imaging, Celular engineering and Neuroengineering.
       Biomechanics applies mechanics for understanding biological processes and for solving medical problems.  It applies the mechanics of cartilage, ligaments, orthopedic devices and artificial organs, such as  the Jarvik.  Biomechanics can also be utilized to study the mechanic of injurys and healing.
    Biomaterials can be viewed also as a form of biomechanics in that it applies in the replacement and improvment of human physiology. They are synthetic materials that can be used for permanent replacement or organs or tissues. They include artificial blood vessels, mechanical heart valves, breast implants, orthopedic joints, dental filling, as well as devices such as catheters that can be used in the medical process for surgery,diagnosis or repair.
    Another application of BME, regards the usage of imaging such as MRI,PET and X-RAY. Biomedical imaging designs and improves systems for measuring responses to physical " phenomena" , or for diagnosis.
      Cellular engineering is where engineering principles merge with biology and the study of cells. Cellular engineering regenreate biological "substitutes" to create, preserve and restoreorgan functioning with cellular technologies. One example includes stem cell engineering, where cellular engineering is a key component. Finally, another area that can be studied by using the knoweldge and applying BME skills, is Neuroengineering.  In fact, Neuroengineering consists of various disciplines taht involve the use of engineering technology to study the functioning of neural systems.

"Research Areas in Biomedical Engineering." Biomedical Engineering. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 02 Mar. 1999. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. <>.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Current Improvements in Artificial Joints

    In China, researchers have revealed that gamma radiation could toughen the current plastic prosthetic joints to make them more resilient in order to last for years. The current joint replacements such as hip and knee replacement always have used materials such as stainless steel, titanium alloys and ceramics to replace damaged or diseased bones. Several materials such as non-stick polymer or nylon are usually used to mimic the cartilage used to coat the artificial joint. The problem with these materials though, as research suggests, is that that they produce debris within the body which will eventually lead to inflammation of the joint, pain and other malfunctions concerning the joints.
      Researcher of the Cangzhou Istiute of Light Industry Technology, has sudied the effects of suplementing ceramic particles to two experimental materials for coating prosthetic joints. These two materials are UHMWPE (Ultra-high-molecular-waight polyethylene) and PEEK ( Polyether Ether Ketone).  Xue has revealed that by adding ceramic particles to the polymers and then eventually adding a short burst of gamma-radiation in order to improve its strength.  The resultin material is much tougher and will not produce the debris within the body, thus preventing inflammation and pain. Xue has also found that the materials might also be more biocompatible and less likely to be rejected by the immune system.  Xue also suggests that the structure of the composite materials can be "receptive" to the addition of bone-generating cells that could eventually help a prosthetic joint become naturally incorporated into the body.

"Radiation boost for artificial joints." Space Daily 5 Oct. 2011. General OneFile. Web. 11 Dec. 2011.
Document URL

Development of a new Imaging Technology

   One major aspect of BME is the development and usage of imaging technology in the medical field to diagnose certain diseases. This is one way how Biomedical engineering can benefit society. New imaging technologis and improvements on modern ones are constantly occuring in the BME world, as is the case with the Purdue University.   Biomedical Engineering professor Ji-Xin Cheng indicates that this new imaging technology can take precise 3-D images of plaques lining arteries, which is essential in diagnosing certain heart failures. This new Imaging technology measues ultrasound signals from molecules that are exposed to a " fast-pulsing" laser.
      The effects of this new technology is that it reveals Carbon-hydrogen bond presence in arterial plaques, the very same plaques that cause heart disease.  This technology is not only limited in heart cindutions, it might also be used to detect fat molecules in muscles, in order for the diagnois of diabetes as well as other disorders relating lipids, such as nuerological conditions and brain traumas,
    With the usage of a " nanosecond laser", it generates molecular vibrations or wavelengths that are not absorbed bythe blood.The laser causes tissue to heat and expad, creating pressure waves, thus detecting lipis and fatty plaques clogged in the arteries.

"Finding cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc." USA Today [Magazine] Oct. 2011: 4+. General OneFile. Web. 11 Dec. 2011.
Document URL

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Benefits of the Artificial Heart and Heart Valve

        Several heart failures and diseases can be prevented by implanting an artificial heart, and at times can be less risky than heart surgery. The heart itself, composes of  several different valve, arteries and veins recieving deoxygenatd blood oxygenated blood. The Heart Muscle also composes of a system of valves and failure in these valves can eventually lead to pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure. Replacement of a valve by an artificial valve or heart can be solution to restore proper heart function.
         Many times due to these heart failures, it is often necessary to replace the valve with a man made one. The earliest known tended to "fracture" after years of use. A " one-way" valve is simple when constructed to function ouside the boy, but when placed inside the body, it is dificult for it to work. One modern  design of an artificial valve is the ball and cage model. The ball and cage model has a three pronged cage within which is a ball. . The ball lifts to allow blood to pass through and is pressed down into an opening to seal it and prevent backflow of blood.
Artificial heart usage beagn in 1953. The use of a heart-lung machine designed by a physician  John Gibbons, later proved  that an artificial heart could replace the real heart. Finally in 1966, William DeVries created the Jarvik 7, which eventually led to the 2000 inovation and improvemnt of the modern Jarvik. This beacme the first completely artificial heart to be installed. The first artificial heart to ever be implanted was the AbioCor, which was implanted on Robert Tools in 2001.

Hoyle, Brian. "Artificial Heart and Heart Valve." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 301-302. General OneFile. Web. 3 Dec. 2011